#not copaganda but cop shows have no business being so entertaining
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bellarichie · 1 year ago
me, really bored: omg there's LITERALLY nothing for me to watch *starts watching yet another old cop show*
all the other shows i've been procrastinating on for YEARS: am i a joke to you?
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kjack89 · 4 years ago
E studying late in the library, R as the late-night security guard
The only sound that came from the far corner of the second floor of the library was the steady, and occasionally emphatic, clacking of laptop keys as Enjolras hunched over his laptop. He only paused to grab a sip of coffee or swipe a notification from Twitter off of his phone screen, and as the time crept past midnight, he showed no sign of slowing down.
At least, he showed no sign until, without warning, the lights turned off.
Enjolras looked up, his face lit only by his laptop screen. “Hello?” he called, but no one answered. “Is anyone there?”
Again, there was no answer, and Enjolras glanced at first the time on his phone screen and then at the document he was working on, which was no closer to being done than it had been when he had started working on it some two hours prior, and he groaned. “God damnit,” he sighed, standing up and grabbing his phone and, after only a moment of hesitation, his coffee.
He made his way to the stairs, guided by the dim glow of the exit sign. Luckily, the lights were on in the stairwell, and Enjolras made his way to the ground floor. The lights were also off on the first floor, and Enjolras scowled before catching sight of a light from an office behind the circulation desk.
Enjolras stalked over and rapped his knuckles against the desk. “Hello?” he called, peering into the office. There was a man in there, lounging in his chair, and Enjolras raised his voice. “Excuse me?” The man did not look up and Enjolras scowled in irritation before practically bellowing, “Excuse me!”
The man startled upright, blinking owlishly through the window at Enjolras before standing and making his way to the office door. “Can I help you?” he asked mildly, which caused Enjolras’s blood pressure to skyrocket.
“Someone turned the lights off,” he said stiffly.
The man raised one dark eyebrow. “Pardon?”
Enjolras ground his teeth together. “On the second floor,” he said. “Someone turned the lights off.”
Leaning casually against the doorway and crossing his arms in front of his chest – Enjolras tried not to stare at how his t-shirt stretched across his chest as he did – the man then had the audacity to smile at him. “I’m sure they did.”
“Right,” Enjolras said, tearing his eyes away from the tattoo on the man’s bicep. “Only, I’m trying to get some work done and that normally requires, y’know, light.”
The man nodded. “One might think.”
Enjolras counted to five in his head to try and stop from yelling. “Are you going to turn the lights back on?”
The man tugged at the collar of his university t-shirt as he considered it. “No.”
“No, I’m not going to turn the lights back on.”
Enjolras stared at him, his mouth hanging open, before drawing himself up to glare at him. “And why the hell not?” he demanded.
The man shrugged. “Library closed at midnight.”
Enjolras blinked. “Since when?”
“Since we’re operating under summer break hours,” the man told him, sounding far too amused, and Enjolras scowled again.
“It’s May.”
The man smiled lazily at him. “Your grasp of the calendar year notwithstanding, the semester’s over, so the library is no longer open 24/7.”
Enjolras tried very hard not to seethe. “So you’re kicking me out.”
The man shrugged again. “I mean, I’m not gonna bodily remove you from the building or something, but yeah, I am gonna ask you nicely to leave, and if you refuse, I’ll probably have to call campus security.”
Enjolras’s brow furrowed. “You’re not campus security?”
“I’m library security,” the man corrected. “There’s a difference.”
“What’s the difference?” Enjolras asked sourly.
“Slightly less fascist,” the man said cheerfully, and Enjolras almost smiled. Keyword being almost. “Also I’m a student, and mostly I’m here to make sure folks swipe their IDs when they come in and to stop folks from walking out with books they haven’t checked out.”
Enjolras cocked his head. “And what’s the punishment for that?”
“Normally me escorting them to the checkout counter so that they can check them out.”
Enjolras huffed a dry laugh. “I’m not getting the vibe that you have a lot of authority here.”
The man chuckled. “That’s because I don’t.” He hesitated before adding, “My name’s Grantaire. And you are…?”
“Not sharing my name to prevent you from sharing it with campus security,” Enjolras replied coolly.
Grantaire grinned. “That’s a mouthful, your parents must’ve really hated you.”
Enjolras smiled slightly as well. “I mean, they did, but not for that reason.”
Grantaire took a step towards him. “If I promise not to report you, will you tell me your name?”
“How about you turn the lights on the second floor back on?” Enjolras countered.
“They’re on a timer, and I don’t have the means of overriding it, so unless you want me to stand up there holding my flashlight up for you to read by…”
Enjolras smirked. “Now that is a tempting thought.”
Grantaire gave him what Enjolras imagined he thought of as a pleading look. “C’mon, tell your name. I can go through the records of ID swipes, but I’d really rather not have to take that kind of time.”
“Why do you want to know my name so badly?” Enjolras asked.
“Because I have a feeling I’m going to be seeing a lot of you this summer,” Grantaire said archly. “Besides, I like to know the name of the cute guy I’ve been flirting with for the last fifteen minutes.”
Enjolras opened his mouth to scoff, or to tell him that this wasn’t flirting, or to do any number of things to rebuff the implication, but instead, what came out was, “Enjolras.”
Grantaire blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“My name is Enjolras.”
“Enjolras,” Grantaire repeated, a slow smile crossing his face. “Wow, your parents really did hate you.”
“Almost as much as yours,” Enjolras shot back, “naming you Grantaire.”
Grantaire laughed. “Like you said, mine did too, but not because of the name.” He hesitated. “Why don’t you work down here?”
Enjolras blinked. “What?”
“I can’t turn the lights back on upstairs, and the only lights are going to be in stairwells or around emergency exits, or here, at my desk. As comfortable as I imagine studying in the stairwell would be, I’m pretty sure I can rustle up another chair for you.”
The offer took him by surprise, and Enjolras hesitated, trying to find a good reason not to and coming up short. “Are you going to watch TV all night?”
Grantaire shrugged. “Maybe. But I can put some headphones on if it’ll bother you.”
Enjolras’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you sort of need to pay attention to the security of the building?”
“Yes, because I’m sure all of the students who have gone home for the summer are planning to break into the library,” Grantaire said dryly.
Enjolras laughed lightly. “Well, when you put it like that…”
Grantaire perked up. “So is that a yes?”
Enjolras hesitated for only a moment more before jerking a nod. “Let me grab my stuff.”
Grantaire grinned. I’ll be here.”
“I’m sure you will,” Enjolras muttered, turning around to grab his things from upstairs. He knew that he should just go home, or maybe move to Starbucks or the student union, both of which he was pretty sure were still open 24/7.
But if he was being honest, he was mostly just working to have something to do while he waited for Combeferre and Courfeyrac to get back to campus. And besides, whether or not it was flirting, if Enjolras was being entirely honest, he hadn’t entirely hated the conversation he’d had with Grantaire.
Even if Grantaire was two steps away from being a fascist cop.
His mind made up, Enjolras gathering his belongings and made his way back to the circulation desk, letting himself behind the desk and joining Grantaire back in the office, where, true to his word, Grantaire had procured another chair. “Voila,” Grantaire said, grinning up at him, and Enjolras set his stuff down on the desk, glancing at the computer screen, which was paused on an advertisement.
“What are you watching?” he asked.
Grantaire glanced at the computer as if he’d completely forgotten he was watching anything. “Oh, uh, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”
“Seriously?” Enjolras demanded.
“Yeah, well, it’s quite popular—”
Enjolras snorted. “Sure, it’s copaganda repackaged into a sitcom, what’s not to love?”
Grantaire whistled lowly. “Wow, you must be fun at parties.”
“I make it my business not to attend too many parties,” Enjolras retorted.
Grantaire looked amused. “I’m not entirely sure that’s the comeback you think it is.”
Enjolras had realized the same thing, and flushed slightly. “Seriously, though, don’t you understand what role shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Law & Order or—”
“Or Chicago PD or NCIS or CSI when it was still airing,” Grantaire continued, nodding officiously.
Enjolras glared at him. “My point,” he said icily, “is that these shows have engendered in the American public a tacit complicity in the ever-expanding and increasing militarization of our police.”
Grantaire nodded. “They sure do.”
“You agree with me?” Enjolras asked.
Grantaire raised an eyebrow. “That surprises you?”
Enjolras shrugged. “I mean, I was expecting even boilerplate pushback about how it’s ‘just a show’ or something like that.”
“Entertainment is as much a reflection of society as it is a tool to shape it,” Grantaire said, propping his feet up on the desk. “Only an idiot would argue against that.”
“And I’m meant to believe you’re no idiot,” Enjolras said dryly. “So then are you just...ok with the militarization of our police?”
Grantaire sighed. “Of course not.”
“Ok, so you acknowledge the role shows like this play, and you are against said role, but you’re watching it anyway?”
Grantaire considered it for a moment. “Yeah, sounds about right,” he said cheerfully.
Enjolras stared at him. “But...why?”
“Because I believe you can critically engage with the media you consume while also, y’know, consuming it,” Grantaire said. “Besides, it’s funny.” Enjolras shook his head slowly but Grantaire didn’t let him speak, instead patting the seat next to him invitingly. “Look, you and I can and probably will argue about this all night, but how about you sit for it? I’m getting a crick in my neck looking up at you.”
Enjolras’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”
“Really?” Grantaire asked mildly. “I would think you of all people would be more in favor of an egalitarian seating arrangement.”
Even though Enjolras glared at him, he nonetheless sat down. “Fine,” he said stiffly. “But don’t think that this conversation is done.”
Grantaire grinned at him. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides, I’ve got all night. Are you going somewhere?”
This time, Enjolras didn’t hesitate. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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Ok ok ok, but question about W*lker: if the main character had been played by Jensen Ackles, would it have been more redeeming/entertaining to watch?
(obviously it'd still be copaganda and unnerving on several levels, I'm just trying to imagine Jensen saying yes and wading into this mess. I mean, would they still have cast Gen as the wife?)
Well. Yes and no. It would have been more entertaining to watch. It would have been redeeming on a structural level. It would have been redeeming on... well, Jared’s performance.
The concept of it is just so, so bad. Cop who ~bends the rules~ and just snaps at some guy who’s taunting him. The very trite trope of ~ex convict doing a legit business and employing former criminals to give them a second chance is actually just running a drug dealing activity. I stopped watching Lucifer for that.
If it weren’t “copaganda” but it were about a guy doing a different job? Who left for eleven months to do some business in Hong Kong for his company or something? And now had to navigate his grief and relationship with his family and new colleagues? Now that would still be embarrassing because of Jared and the glowy elvish visions, but if you put Jensen and say Phil Sgriccia or Rich Speight it would be something.
Now of course you need better writers because the whole “aren’t we progressive” because of some badly written Strong Female Character lines and references to deporting undocumented immigrants being not good... it’s just so fake and performative and bad. They cast a Latina actress as Walker’s colleague and a Black actor as her boyfriend but that’s it! Oh being a Mexican American female ranger is tough. Oh my family isn’t speaking to me because I became a cop. #notallcops
It’s just so bad. Would Jensen make it better? Yes in a sense that Lucifer was not horrible to watch but if you replaced Tom Ellis with Jared it would have been the most embarrassing concept you could think of. (Sorry for the mental image.) But I couldn’t keep watching Lucifer because it was bad, no matter how good Tom Ellis was at playing the character.
To be fair Lucifer wasn’t even trying to take itself as a Cop Show too seriously - thus the main character being literally the devil and all - which earns it some points. But Walker just takes itself seriously. It’s like a parody of itself.
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thefirsthogokage · 4 years ago
Time to Hate-Watch Turner and Hooch, Episode 5
Because I am bored. And I hate myself. Of you aren't ok with me hate-watching and commenting, well then this is not the post you are looking for. Please move along.
Ah, yes, reminder of the love triangle they put in a kids copaganda show for the parents. Again. Because reminder: they did that last week.
Ew, bad shaky camera work.
Oh god she was listening to that music as a personal stake out sound track by choice? Like, why?
"You're all hopped up on juice boxes and I don't like it." I did like that line.
Laura is 5 years old.
I do like the theme song.
You know what also is weird about this supposed kids show? The episodes are nearly 50 minutes long. No kid is going to pay attention to that long of an episode.
So much natural lighting and making Hooch very yellow in some scenes and not others.
I'm probably too tired to watch this tonight.
Honestly that poor girl. Such a big crush on a very oblivious dipshit.
Branden is a fucking gift to this show. Again, I am just so glad he kept acting after Power Rangers SPD. Not many former PRs stay in the business, let alone get steady work. I'm really proud of him!
Rain. This show must be filmed in Vancouver. Actually, I vaguely remember hearing it was shot there. ... (Googles)... Haha
Tumblr media
I mean, air cold enough mid-day to see their breath + rain had to = Vancouver. I mean I guess Portland too. But either way, California my ass.
Dreary natural lighting. Classic Vancouver. I can't believe anyone could actually think this would look like California.
Having Laura recognize a lot of people so that they could give her information to make her getting the information super easy is certainly a choice... by writers who don't want to work to hard. Then again, I think this is supposed to be a a family friendly show...kind of. Line, this isn't a straight up specific demographic this is targeted towards. They just have done a few things I absolutely would not put in a kids show this day and age. Like, it honestly so bizarre to watch.
I'm not fond of stories like this. Guy is getting married, all aspects of the case have a relation to weddings. It's just too much happenstance in this episode. And I'm tired, I should have very little ability to notice most of the is shit tonight.
Oh god, this would be so painful if I wasn't so sleepy. Like, what the fuck are you doing, Laura. Well, at least this is showing Lyndsy's versatility and expressiveness. My god this is such a different character then Alex on Nikita.
Tired sidenote, my watermelon is very good.
Laura gets up to leave after getting this woman to hang out with her. The woman has to remind her that she doesn't know where she lives. I liked that.
"Thank you for your never-ending aquatic references." Ok, this show does have some good lines.
(This is honestly like kind of watching Lucifer. I hat the show, but occasionally there are so lines that I really like. Though I did stop watching Lucifer because I just hated it too much. I was only watching it out of boredom.)
I am really glad that they have a Native guest star. It's nice to see more Native rep on shows the past couple years.
Messaging: Kids, you gotta stand up for other kids being bullied because you are just as bad as the bullies if you just stand there. I'm really ok with this messaging. Good job, so that I mostly don't like.
I'm sorry, I'm so tired.
"His name was Jean-Luc-" Me: stares at camera in 'Robert Duncan McNeill directed this episode and is the primary Executive Producer on this show.'
For those of you who don't know, RDM was Tom Paris in Star Trek Voyager and a character who's name I can't remember that he also played on Star Trek TNG.
Fun fact, Tom Paris was initially going to be the same character he played on TNG, but something about rights blah blah blah, made that a no-go.
Sorry, back to me hate-watching while tired.
Oh god there are 21 minutes left.
Why is Laura holding a guinea pig? And why does she have a karaoke machine?
Why is Branden's character having a romantic time with his fiance while on a case? Ugh, the unprofessionalism. Like, aren't they only a two hour drive from home? Why is this happening? Do they think of distance like the British? Or people who live in Saint Louis? (Seriously, in Saint Louis some people think 20 minutes is a long drive. Granted, ten minutes is a long drive for me, but the position I have to sit in to drive really aggravates my Interstitial Cystitis (meaning I have to pee so, so bad the whole time I am in the car)).
I want to take this moment to apologize. I am very sorry about the tangents and the personal health and whatnot. But at this point I'm too tired to go bad and delete things or care about what else I'm going to write, so I'm just going to keep going without my filter on. Of you make it through this whole thing with me, bless you you sweet, sweet, probably bored soul.
🎶Ooo Heaven is a place on earth 🎶
Oh god, so much tomato stuff. All over the bathroom. The very white bathroom. Good luck with that...Scott? Is that our main characters name? Scott? I don't care to look it up at th- yeah it's Scott, Laura just said it.
Uh, shouldn't that have been made of metal? Either way, shitty craftsmanship if the dog could break it that easily.
That can't be how you train a bomb sniffing dog.
No way someone who's been a police officer for a few years wouldn't know that there are drugs on literally every bill.
Again, family show why?
Neither of them thought there would be a back door?
This while thing is insane. Not in anyway that I find entertaining. But I'd probably be more pissed if I it was more conscious. You should probably be reading all of my angry sounding things as just very tired and a bit sedate because of the tiredness.
I'm sorry Branden's character was a soldier in combat and he's never been shot? Unless I'm misremembering. But seriously, he doesn't know what getting shot in the vest fells like.
Oh look, the girlfriend fires at vehicles driving towards her too. In the same episode..I hate when things are related like that. Not upper level writing.
Why was the Secret Service also looking for those people? What? That can't possibly be their preview.
(Before I finished the episode, I discovered that for the second time this week, I did not get to the litter box fast enough (as in since this morning) to prevent my cat from moving the liner enough to pee between it and the box. So, at 11pm I had to go clean that out.)
Like this guy wouldn't know that he was copping to extortion by saying that.
God, why are they making this case the dad was working on (stupid arching plot in a family tv show why? For the adults who can tell this show is bad already?) even more complicated? Like, is this going to get Heroes level stupidly complex? Because that shit killed that show. Ok, so it probably won't be that bad...just the kids show equivalent of that bad.
Oh good for you, girl who's name I never learned! Quit the job with the evil boss! Please let her be OH NATALIE! Once again, thank you Laura for saying the name of the character whose name I wasn't sure of. What was I saying... Of yeah, I hope Natalie comes back and wasn't just on one episode. More native characters on TV please!
Oh wait, am I just realizing the girls in the live triangle were both on Glee, or did I remember that in a previous post? I know they were both on Glee from the moment I saw them in this show, but, like, I somehow didn't realize it was a very mini Glee reunion when they were in the same scene?
Wait, where did Scott wash Hooch if it wasn't in his own place the first time? Where was that bathroom? Wait, unless this isn't the bathroom in him home? I was definitely too tired to watch this. That might be saving me on the anger level, but it's certainly making it a bit difficult to keep track of some stuff.
Oh bad edit/consistency moment with the foam on Scott's face. Always hating to me.
Episode over.
Closing Thoughts: This show is still driving me insane with it's not on point demographic aiming and just silliness that isn't really good-silly, more like bad-silly. Also, I'm tired.
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